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Yewtree Antiques Warehouse
antique cupboards
no-253-good quality oak Dresser base in 1600s style by Titch marsh & Goodwin-£425-59"w x 18"d x 32"h | no-19-1890 French oak carved French Brittiany cupboard in very good condition-£425-55"w x 18"d x 47"h |
no-427-Early 1700s oak Dresser base in Jacobean style in very good condition-£485-67"w x 19"d x 31"h | no-428 1690 oak carved Court-Cupboard with rebuild in Early 1800s in good condition-£385-49"w x 21"d x 73"h |
no-107-1900 French Walnut Buffet in very good condition-£470-55"w x 22"d x 98"h | no69-1680/ Later period oak court-cupboard in good condition-£495-60"w x 24"d x 60"h |
no-21-1880 Victorian oak carved Dresser in Green man style in very good condition-£325-50"w x 21"d x 43"h | no-13-1900 oak carved Green man lift top cupboard in very good condition-£265-40"w x 19"d x 32"h |
no-446-none period German oak carved cupboard in very good condition-£335-54"w x 18"d x 64"h | no-41-1960s oriental soapstone credenza in good condition-£340- 50"w x 18"d x 33"h |
no-166-1900 French oak buffet in very good condition-£285-37"w x 19"d x 66"h | no-642-Chinese Cabinet in good condition-£195-27"w x 13"d x 45"h |
no-249-1870 Victorian oak carved cupboard (has had some woodworm in the back panel) in good condition-£280-48"w x 21"d x 40"h | RESERVED |
no-119-two piece oak carved cupboard in good condition-£98-19"w x 17"d x 37"h | no--320-none period pine semi-round standing corner/cupboard in very good condition-£200-29"w x 92" x 78"h |
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